equipment to treat converter slag

  • Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC)-Pyrometallurgy-

    Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC) TBRC is an advanced smelting equipment for treating anode slime, WEEE, non-ferrous metal smelting slag and setting slurry to recover gold, silver and other precious metal. It can also treat copper concentrate and secondary material like scrap copper, scrape lead, lead slag, lead dust, etc.

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  • copper flotation from converter slags

    equipment to treat converter slag mount isa copper flotation

    In this paper, we reviewed steel slag treatment, recycling, and management in China. Although China’s annual slag production reached more than 100 million tons, its utilization rate is only 29.5%. As of 2016, more than 300 million tons of steel slag have not been used effectively.

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  • equipment to treat converter slag

    Equipment To Treat Converter Slag. Equipment To Treat Converter Slag; ISASMELT Wikipedia. Mopani decided to install a copper ISASMELT plant that could treat 850,000 t/y of copper concentrate, including a purpose-designed electric matte settling furnace to separate the ISASMELT matte and slag and also return slag from the smelter’s Peirce-Smith converters.

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  • Equipment To Treat Converter Slag

    Jun 29, 2019 Industrial Spent Catalyst Treatment EquipmentPlantMachine 10TPD AUTO feedingslag discharging Oilfield sludge treatment. Get Price; Technical Report Udc 669 162 275 2 Development Of A. Converter slag, however, is not easily usable as a mate and treatment method using a rotary cooler as the main equipment 22 Studies on slag treatment

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  • SMS group : [Translate to German:] Converter steelmaking

    [Translate to German:] Converter steelmaking

    Intelligent automation for steelmaking. State-of-the-art production of high-quality steel requires standardized and reproducible processes. Primetals Technologies process automation implements these requirements, consequently leading to improved hitting rates for carbon and temperature, lower flux material consumptions, higher Fe yields and optimized production times.

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  • equipment to treat converter slag

    equipment to treat converter slag. Slag Raking MachineFoundry Slag Skimmer Manufacturer . Slag Raking Machine. REMSO offers slag skimmer. It is used to rake the slag layer from the surface of molten metal. This reduces the metallurgical load. It is a hydraulically operated machine of sturdy construction for use in steel plants.

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  • Equipment To Treat Converter Slag

    Jun 29, 2019 Industrial Spent Catalyst Treatment EquipmentPlantMachine 10TPD AUTO feedingslag discharging Oilfield sludge treatment. Get Price; Technical Report Udc 669 162 275 2 Development Of A. Converter slag, however, is not easily usable as a mate and treatment method using a rotary cooler as the main equipment 22 Studies on slag treatment

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  • Copper Converter Slag Treatment at Mount Isa Mines Limited, Mount Isa, Qld

    Converter slag assaying 3.7 per cent Cu is produced by Mount Isa copper smelter at a rate of up to 180 000 tonnes per annum.Priority is given to the processing of ore, however concentrator capacity periodically exceeds that of the mine and the opportunity is taken to treat converter slag. It is processed in batch campaigns, typically through the Copper Concentrator, but the Hilton Concentrator

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  • Fabrication of Equipments Treating Iron and Steel Slags with Highly

    Fabrication of Equipments Treating Iron and Steel Slags with Highly-Pressurized Hot Water and Investigation of Leaching of Constituents from the Slags July 2014 Tetsu-to-Hagane 100(8):1014-1020

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  • Equipment To Treat Converter Slag

    Equipment To Treat Converter Slag. Double Toggle Jaw Crushers Price Ndash Samac Crusher Used portable crushing plants ndash samac coal surface rock crushing mortar and pestle samac mining 2014420- crusher plants pdf mobile impact crusher ndash samablown converter

    kazakstan equipment to treat converter slag. WASHINGTON, December 23, 2020

    CN1718554A Treatment method of vanadium containing. A process for treating the converter''s steel slag containing V includes such steps as proportionally mixing the powdered or granular carbon reducer and SiO2 contained modifier with powdered or molten said slag, reduction reaction for 0.5-1.5 hr, cooling the molten dregs while self powdering, and magnetic separation to obtain V-contained iron

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  • equipment to treat nverter slag

    equipment to treat converter slag. Improvement of Production Capacity at Steelmaking Plant in . high SiO2 slag out of the system while also was constructed simultaneously with the new converter The flue gas treatment equipment adopted for the new converter was the Oxygen Converter Gas Recovery Sys tem OG which is the same as the existing equipment The utilities and water treatment equipment

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  • equipment to treat converter slag

    equipment to treat converter slag. Slag Raking MachineFoundry Slag Skimmer Manufacturer . Slag Raking Machine. REMSO offers slag skimmer. It is used to rake the slag layer from the surface of molten metal. This reduces the metallurgical load. It is a hydraulically operated machine of sturdy construction for use in steel plants.

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  • Leaching of copper and zinc from copper converter slag flotation

    Thus, the treatment of converter slag flotation tailings may be carried out as follows: (a) the chemical leaching by a biogenic ferric sulfate solution in sulfuric acid medium; (b) removal of Fe 3 + ions after the chemical leaching of slag by addition of CaO or CaCO 3 into the pulp with following solid–liquid separation; (c) copper cementation from liquid phase; (d) removal of zinc (as ZnS

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  • New Refining Control for LD Converter Using Independent Component Analysis

    The following explains the converter dephosphoriza-tion process using the schematic diagram of the con-verter equipment shown in Fig. 1. In converter dephos-phorization, oxygen is blown into the converter from the converter top through a lance, and the phosphorus in the hot metal is oxidized and moves to the slag. The control

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  • Treatment of copper converter slag with deep eutectic solvent as green

    Industrial copper slag is among the most important wastes to be evaluated in terms of containing valuable metals and the amount of waste approaching 30 million tons per year. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to propose a feasible route for copper and zinc recovery from copper converter slag (C …

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  • Converting (metallurgy)

    Converting is a type of metallurgical smelting that includes several processes; the most commercially important form is the treatment of molten metal sulfides to produce crude metal and slag, as in the case of copper and nickel converting. A now-uncommon form is batch treatment of pig iron to produce steel by the Bessemer process.

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  • Converter Carbon Steelmaking Solutions | Primetals Technologies

    Especially equipment and automation for the bottom blowing has been improved and optimized within the last years to fully comply with actual standards. One of the latest developments for special converters is the Jet Process. It combines a bottom blowing converter with a hot blast system.

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  • Co-treatment of converter slag and pyrrhotite tailings via high

    High pressure oxidative acid leaching (HPOXAL) was successfully applied to slow-cooled converter slags from Vale''s operations in Sudbury (Ontario, Canada). Extractions of Ni, Co and Cu exceeded 90% within 15-20 min and levelled at 95-97% after 45 min at 250°C, 90 psi O(2) overpressure and 70 g/L ini …

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  • New Refining Control for LD Converter Using Independent Component Analysis

    The following explains the converter dephosphoriza-tion process using the schematic diagram of the con-verter equipment shown in Fig. 1. In converter dephos-phorization, oxygen is blown into the converter from the converter top through a lance, and the phosphorus in the hot metal is oxidized and moves to the slag. The control

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  • Slag-cleaning furnace

    Once the Anglo Platinum Converter Plant (ACP) project at Waterval comes on stream in 2004, the slag-cleaning furnace will treat ACP slag to recover platinum-group metals in furnace matte.

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  • Aggregate from waste steel slag: quality protocol

    This quality protocol applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 1. When the final product is no longer waste. Aggregate product made from waste steel slag will be regarded as fully recovered

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  • Equipment To Treat Converter Slag

    Equipment To Treat Converter Slag. Double Toggle Jaw Crushers Price Ndash Samac Crusher Used portable crushing plants ndash samac coal surface rock crushing mortar and pestle samac mining 2014420- crusher plants pdf mobile impact crusher ndash samablown converter

    kazakstan equipment to treat converter slag. WASHINGTON, December 23, 2020

    Japanese steel mills treat steel slag with steam aging method, and the treated steel slag is used as upper subgrade material. The proportion of this material is 75% converter slag, 20% blast furnace slow cooling slag, and 5% blast furnace water slag[5]. Germany has used converter slag to reinforce the Rhine ports and muz Banks. 4.

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  • SMS group : [Translate to German:] Converter steelmaking

    [Translate to German:] Converter steelmaking

    equipment to treat converter slag in nigeria

    crushing and grinding equipments supplier india. slag crushing equipment supplier from India. slag crushing equipment supplier from India. MTW Series Heavy Type European Grinding. Output size 1.6-0.045 mm the fineness is 0.038mm Production capacity 3.5-45T/H PROCESSED MATERIALS limestone calcite barite dolomite potassium .

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  • Copper Converter Slag Treatment at Mount Isa Mines Limited, Mount Isa, Qld

    Converter slag assaying 3.7 per cent Cu is produced by Mount Isa copper smelter at a rate of up to 180 000 tonnes per annum.Priority is given to the processing of ore, however concentrator capacity periodically exceeds that of the mine and the opportunity is taken to treat converter slag. It is processed in batch campaigns, typically through the Copper Concentrator, but the Hilton Concentrator

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  • Dore slag treatment

    The converter slags are essentially iron-silica slags (also called Fayalite slags) with a high proportion of magnetite in them, as illustrated by the analysis given on page 2 of the above Report. A very important feature of the treatment of converter slags is the type of initial cooling to which they are subjected.

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  • Converting (metallurgy)

    Converting is a type of metallurgical smelting that includes several processes; the most commercially important form is the treatment of molten metal sulfides to produce crude metal and slag, as in the case of copper and nickel converting. A now-uncommon form is batch treatment of pig iron to produce steel by the Bessemer process.

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  • equipment to treat converter slag – Grinding Mill China

    equipment to treat converter slag [ 4.7

    equipment to treat converter slag As a leading global manufacturer of crushing, grinding and mining equipments, we offer advanced, reasonable solutions for any size-reduction requirements including quarry, aggregate, and different kinds of minerals.

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  • (PDF) Process and Equipment Design for the Dry Slag Granulation

    Process and Equipment Design for the Dry Slag Granulation technology to treat the BF slag is very safe process for treating hazardous wastes and converting them into leach

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  • Equipment To Treat Converter Slag

    Equipment To Treat Converter Slag. US3459209A US3459209DA US3459209A US 3459209 A US3459209 A US 3459209A US 3459209D A US3459209D A US 3459209DA US 3459209 A US3459209 A US 3459209A Authority US United States Prior art keywords closure slag tap hole steel converter Prior art date 1966-09-26 Legal status The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.

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  • equipment to treat converter slag

    Equipment To Treat Converter Slag. Equipment To Treat Converter Slag; ISASMELT Wikipedia. Mopani decided to install a copper ISASMELT plant that could treat 850,000 t/y of copper concentrate, including a purpose-designed electric matte settling furnace to separate the ISASMELT matte and slag and also return slag from the smelter’s Peirce-Smith converters.

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