A minimum of 2-3 mm of tread depth is necessary. Tyre pressure also makes a big difference when driving on wet surface so regularly check the tyre pressure and we recommend keeping it a little less than the recommended Tyre pressure (PSI) levels in dry conditions. Lubricate all the necessary hinges and levers so that they move freely.
Though it is not possible to project the nature of rain and storm, you can protect your site, project and materials by securing the materials and equipment on site. Identify Safety Risks There are many materials, machines and equipment on a construction site. During rainy season, this can be detrimental to the safety of your workers.
during rainy season. The run-off from material stockpile areas contains high suspended solids. Besides, the loss of valuable raw-materials also adds as cost to the company. The Green Rating of Indian iron and steel found the lack of serious efforts for proper raw material handling and management by the steel plants.
Total rainfall received during rainy and post-rainy seasons (standard meteorological week 24 (June second week) to 52 (December last week) was 626 mm. Weekly mean minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the crop growing periods in both rainy and post-rainy were ranged from 12.9 to 25.0°C, and 28.5 to 37.1°C ,
sand mafia, accessibility to the river source during rainy season, non confirming with IS 383-1970. Hence the present investigation was taken up with a view to verify the suitability, feasibility and potential use of crusher dust, a waste product from aggregate crushing plant in concrete mixes, in context of its
Total rainfall received during rainy and post-rainy seasons (standard meteorological week 24 (June second week) to 52 (December last week) was 626 mm. Weekly mean minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the crop growing periods in both rainy and post-rainy were ranged from 12.9 to 25.0°C, and 28.5 to 37.1°C ,
One way to do that is by getting a waterproof bag or laptop – that will keep your things dry even when submerged in water. There also ways to protect specific parts of the laptop, like a keypad cover, that will help keep the most vulnerable (and expensive) element of your machine intact – the motherboard. Social media Share this article.
A minimum of 2-3 mm of tread depth is necessary. Tyre pressure also makes a big difference when driving on wet surface so regularly check the tyre pressure and we recommend keeping it a little less than the recommended Tyre pressure (PSI) levels in dry conditions. Lubricate all the necessary hinges and levers so that they move freely.
Eye & face protection. In some industrial processes there may also be a risk from the spillage, leakage or splashing of hot or corrosive liquids. Some of these hazards can be removed permanently by proper machine guarding, exhaust ventilation or work design. For many hazards, for example, stone cutting or dressing, personal eye
Effect of sweet sorghum stalk crushing treatments on juice extraction, and sugar quality traits during 2009 rainy and post-rainy seasons Figures
I have already mentioned the importance of the proper use of machines and equipment during the rainy season. Even if a minor mistake can lead to heavier problems throughout the construction. So keep experienced workers that can deal with machines safely. You can go for temporary construction sheds for working these devices.
Though it is not possible to project the nature of rain and storm, you can protect your site, project and materials by securing the materials and equipment on site. Identify Safety Risks; There are many materials, machines and equipment on a construction site. During rainy season, this can be detrimental to the safety of your workers.
Painting your walls during the rainy season is a sheer waste of money. The timing of such paintwork must be much before the rainy season, preferably between the months of March and May.
Nowadays, during the rainy season the cultivated crops get affected due to heavy rainfall. This system involves protection of the crops by auto roof which covers the certain area. The rain sensor is activated when there is rainfall and it will give intimation to the controller to close the roof as soon as the rain is detected and also send SMS
Everyone loves to enjoy the rainy weather but protecting the house from the leaky weather is utmost important. Rain is a crucial resource for nature and helps keep our garden space fully blooming. browse through to get few Tips to Protect your home from Rainy season.
Prioritize Important Clothes. Keep Your Washing Machine Clean. Presoak Your Laundry. Control The Moisture In Your Home. Increase Ventilation. Doing your laundry during the rainy season has always been a challenge. Everyone has experienced at least one batch of laundry taking forever to dry, and worse – drying with a weird smell to them.
than 3 m above the water table of sub-soil water measured during rainy season. In any case floor level should not be more than 1 m formed or machine made, and of crushing strength not less than 3.5 N/ mm2. The standard brick size of 240 x115x57mm with 10 m thickness properly at least 15 cm above the ground and must protect from
“The prices are especially low during rainy season and you can sell one tin for as little as Sh 30. With that price, you will struggle to break even,” Omolo adds. While Omolo and Ragira seem to be making a lot of money from jaggery making, it does not really paint a true picture of Kamagambo sugarcane farmers.
But this rainy-ness brings a lot of disruption, which the country manages to deal with in several ways. As soon as the heavens open, umbrella racks appear outside shops, along with disposable “umbrella condom” sheathes which you use while inside a building to stop your brolly dripping all over the floor.
Total rainfall received during rainy and post-rainy seasons, standard meteorological week 24 (second week of June) to 52 (last week of December), was 626 mm. Weekly mean minimum and maximum temperatures recorded during the crop growing periods in both rainy and post-rainy were ranged from 12.9 to 25.0 °C, and 28.5 to 37.1 °C, respectively.
While there are an infinite number of questions that can be asked, we compiled a list of those questions that have been directed to us the most. These FAQs are categorized into subject areas listed in the contents drop-down box below. We tried to keep both the questions and answers concise. Additional information is referenced … Continue reading Asphalt Pavement Construction
During the rainy season, place a mat outside the main door of your home and ask everyone to take off their shoes outside. This will keep more water and dirt from entering your place. Moreover, if you see water entering your home during extreme rainfall or see water stains forming on your walls, sprinkle some baking soda on the area.
During rainy season, heavy rains are there and water passes across the road. While formulating specifications, attempts were made to make maximum utilization of steel plant by-product such as BF slag, SMS, granulated slag and flyash, etc.
Workers’ safety should be the number one concern in all types of home construction services and projects, regardless of the weather condition. But during the rainy season, the risk of slip and fall is far worse, as snow and ice can make roofs, walkways, roads and floors slippery.
Dear all, Come rainy season and we face the problem of slipping of belt. There are cetian belts like those running in yards, are prone to slippages. Earlier the angle of contact at Drive/Head Pulley was 180 Deg. The head pulleys are Rubber lagged ( 20 mm) with diamond groove. we have solved the problem partially by installing Head snub pulley.
1、 Excavator parking in rainy season. It is particularly important to park excavators in rainy season. It is better to park in the garage and avoid parking in excessively humid environment. Indoor storage, anti rust operation is also important. The machine should be started and operated once a month for a long time, so that the battery can be
be caused during dry seasons by un-seasonal rainfall, wind, and vehicle tracking. Keep the site stabilized year round, and retain and maintain rainy season sediment trapping devices in operational condition.
But this rainy-ness brings a lot of disruption, which the country manages to deal with in several ways. As soon as the heavens open, umbrella racks appear outside shops, along with disposable “umbrella condom” sheathes which you use while inside a building to stop your brolly dripping all over the floor.
Eye & face protection. In some industrial processes there may also be a risk from the spillage, leakage or splashing of hot or corrosive liquids. Some of these hazards can be removed permanently by proper machine guarding, exhaust ventilation or work design. For many hazards, for example, stone cutting or dressing, personal eye
While outdoor appliances, security cameras, lighting, and electronics are weatherproof, they still require some extra protection during the rainy season. See to it that all cables and electrical outlets are on excellent condition and that no wires are exposed or worn out as it could increase the risk of electric shock.
Understandably, while the demand for charcoal remains high, supply decreases during the rainy season (Sep – May) driving the cost of charcoal higher. Deforestation and Greenhouse effects DR Congo has been losing its rain forest at an alarming rate of about 1,235,527 acres (almost the size of Delaware, US) each year, and one of the main causes